Crossware Mail Signature lets you centrally manage the design and usage of your block, including logos, fonts, messages and disclaimers, using the online Centralised Management signature designer tool, allowing easy control of email signatures of the entire company. Personalised information like job title, phone number(s) and departments can be pulled directly from WAAD (Windows Azure Active Directory) or synched from your on premise Active Directory server to WAAD. Other features and benefits include:
Ensure that every email that leaves your company is consistently branded with the correct logo, social media links, and colours.
LOOK AND FEEL - Company logo and colours on every email
MULTIPLE DESIGNS - Change the signature design bases on rules or groups
ANY DEVICE - Include your perfect email signature on emails from any device
Easily conform to the various email disclaimer laws, and regulations from around the world.
COMPLIANCE - Ensure that every email leaving your company is legally compliant.
CORRECT PLACEMENT - Choose where your legal disclaimer is placed.
TAMPER PROOF - Only those with editor rights have access to make any changes.
Don’t just limit your email advertising to specific campaigns, turn every email into an advertising opportunity.
VARIOUS DESIGNS - Create specific advertisements and target them to specific groups.
DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT - Give Editor rights to users on individual signatures, so each department can manage their own signatures-
ALL DEVICES - Create scalable advertisements to suit any device.
Allow staff to bring their own device to work, with no issues to worry about.
ANY DEVICE - Send emails from any device and automatically include the correct email signature.
MAINTAIN CONSISTENCY - Automatically remove existing text (no more “Sent from my iPhone”).
ANY APP OR CLIENT - No need to use a specific email client or app. Send email as you always have done.
CORPORATE IDENTITY - Keep your corporate identity on any device